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You want to honor the cherished memories, traditions and beliefs of those you love by telling their stories...joys, sorrows, adventures.

But the task seems overwhelming….

You want to create a bridge with the next generation and give them insight into your life.

But writing does not come to you easily...

You believe your story doesn’t matter or it’s mundane.

Let me encourage you. It’s your story….Let’s tell it!      

Spending minutes today will save years of treasured memories. 

Where are you in the process?

  • You have a written document but could use help with editing

  • You have an outline and are not sure of the next step

  • You have always wanted to write your story or your family store, but don’t know where to begin

Jill can help you:

  •  Prevent the tragic loss of family memories

  • Create a lasting bond with the next generation

  • Write your legacy 

Home: Welcome

About Jill


Happy you are here! Here’s a little of my story…

Born in the early 1960s at the “turn of the generation” to parents who both contracted polio as children, I have always felt that I’ve had one foot in the Baby Boomer Generation and one foot in Gen X. 

As a child, I watched the Lawrence Welk Show, put rollers in my hair at night, wore Mary Jane shoes and finished all of my vegetables. I became a young adult to the music of Simon and Garfunkel, Boston and The EagIes, played Atari and watched the Vietnam Conflict unfold on the nightly news.

I grew up hearing stories from my parents’ childhood of living in rehabilitation centers for polio victims, rations during World War II, YMCA dances to the big band songs  and the innocence of love in the 1950s…but I never captured them on paper. My parents are both deceased and their stories exist only in my head now. As a freelance writer, I regret not saving them.

I can help you keep your family stories alive.  

I’m a wife, mom and freelance writer and just–about-empty nester.  I’ve written for newspapers and magazines and I am happiest when I am at my keyboard, creating.

Give the next generation the gift of knowing your stories. 

CONTACT US for a free consultation,

 “I will remember the work of the Lord: surely I will remember the wonders of old.” Psalm 77:11

Home: About

Jill's Services

Writing Your Legacy

Couple at Home


Conduct personal interviews and record your stories



Write reflective vignettes that bring your memories to life

Image by Laura Fuhrman


Combine narratives with your pictures for a cherished heirloom legacy book

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Home: Testimonials

“The book was such a wonderful way to connect my father’s life with his grandchildren. I’d see them reading it together often, with him elaborating on stories of his youth. On the last day of his life, we brought the book to the hospital and we surrounded him while he talked about each picture. It was a poignant moment and one I’ll remember forever.”

Noelle Conover

"Stories are how we make meaning of our lives. My parents loved meeting with Jill and sharing their stories of with her. She has a true passion and talent for engaging people and drawing out the memories of their lives. They felt like they were talking to an old friend. Jill then did a beautiful job shaping the text and pictures together into a gorgeous keepsake book. My parents love sharing the book with their friends."

Amy Sarkett

"My maternal grandmother Peggy, our wonderful matriarch, had recorded audio history tapes at her retirement home. Jill did a perfect job of transcribing and organizing her personal history diary! We shared copies at her 100th birthday bash. Our family is very thankful for this gift!"

Nancy Keller

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